
  • Tetiana Kaznacheieva A.V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine



the Middle Ages, music, dance, liturgical drama, mystery, theatrical processions, pre-scenic roundel forms, estampida, round dance, moresca.


The purpose of the work. The article considers the main pre-scenic musical and dance genres and forms of the Middle Ages, which formed the basis for the emergence of classical examples of musical, dance and opera-theatrical art in the further historical development. For the purposeful disclosure of the most important trends characteristic of this period, the problem of the interaction of music and dance in the context of the most complicated panorama of secular professional and synthetic, transitional (preceding scenic) dance and musical forms were analyzed. The methodology of the research consists of a set of historical, systemic and integrated methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the expansion of comprehension of the peculiarities of the formation of various genres of music and dance arts, as well as to substantiation of the continuity of the traditions of the historical inheritance of medieval pre-scenic forms leading to the origins of the formation and development of music and opera-theatrical arts. Conclusions. The history of the development of musical and dance genres demonstrates undeniable connections between the first dance experiments of prehistoric times and pre-scenic forms of the Middle Ages, leading then, through many centuries, up to the emergence of the fundamental genres of musical-theatrical art at the end of the Renaissance.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kaznacheieva, A.V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, assistant professor, The Department of Common and Specialized Piano


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