Style and Performing Interpretation of Modern Piano Miniature


  • Ольга Миколаївна Жукова Dnipropetrovsk Мusic Academy by M. Glinka, Ukraine



piano miniature, style, genre, postmodernism, interpretation.


The purpose of the article is a comprehensive consideration of modern piano miniatures in the relationship between stylistic and performing issues, defining inherent miniatures of characteristic features that are manifested in the unity of the content and form of the work. The methodology of the research is based on a combination of general scientific, artistic and cultural approaches, including stylistic, genre, comparative-historical, as well as a set of methods and analytical approaches developed in the field of hermeneutics and interpretation theory. Fundamental works in the field of aesthetics, literary criticism and musicology have become the theoretical basis of work in the study of style - from stylistic tendencies of time to the style of a separate work. Of particular importance to the work is the fundamental work of K. Zenkin, devoted to the study of piano miniatures in the work of romantic composers. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the application to the little-studied subjects - piano miniature of the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. For the first time, through the prism of the miniature, the content and genre-style features characteristic of piano music are analyzed, new trends in the field of performing the interpretation of the genre of piano miniatures are revealed. Conclusions. By absorbing the heterogeneity of style gains of the era, the piano miniature reflects the most influential tendencies of time associated with neoclassicism, neo-romanticism, neo-folklore, avant-garde, minimalist, and jazz currents. At the same time, the miniature embodies many artistic concepts of postmodernism, associated with the ideas of "new eclecticism", "new simplicity", "new religiosity", "new aesthetics of the number". The genre of contemporary piano thumbnail is a multifaceted musical phenomenon, which is clearly revealed in various aspects of its existence. The modern piano miniature not only deeply reflects the spirit of our era, but also has a rich potential of communicative and artistic qualities.

Author Biography

Ольга Миколаївна Жукова, Dnipropetrovsk Мusic Academy by M. Glinka



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