
  • Olga Ovcharuk Dr. of Culture Studies, Associate professor of Department of Cultural Studies and Information Communication National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Ukraine



human image, visual reality, virtual reality, media reality, cultural practices, transformation, image-sample, image-image, image-role.


The purpose of the article is to identify the essential features of modern cultural practices as ways of transforming the image of a person in the culture of Postmodern. The methodology is based on paradigm as a meta methodology of cultural knowledge. Structural-functional and phenomenological methods have become leading for the study of this problem. Also involved are methods of semiotic analysis and deconstruction. The scientific novelty of the work is to prove the possibility of conceptualizing anthropological problems in culturology by analyzing cultural practices that can form new human images. This analysis becomes possible on the basis of identifying the role of the image in culture, ways of its transformation in the context of modern cultural practices, including design, fashion, advertising, image making, computer graphics, photo design, and the like. In them, the image becomes a universal sign of information exchange, a way of objectifying meaningful concepts through coding and decoding information. It is proved that the image of a person appears as a synthesized visual code that, through artistic and creative forms and cultural practices, is capable of conveying important ideological and value attitudes of a certain cultural era. Conclusions. In the postmodern culture, new types of reality have been formed – visual, virtual, media reality, and the like. They opened up opportunities for the design and self-design of both man himself and her image, creating new forms of subjectivity. In the cultural practices of postmodern, the transformation of the image of a person occurs through the latest means of communication. As a result, he mediates, becomes interactive, forms around the spectacle, turning into an image-sample, image-image, image-role and the like. Its manifestation takes place in various forms of visual and audiovisual culture, practices of visual arts and computer technologies.

Author Biography

Olga Ovcharuk, Dr. of Culture Studies, Associate professor of Department of Cultural Studies and Information Communication National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine

Dr. of Culture Studies, Associate professor of Department of Cultural Studies and Information Communication


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