Realization of creative and business potential of achieved students in innovational cultural and musical activity


  • Oksana Gavelya National Academy of Culture and Arts Management, Ukraine



cultural values, creative project, game simulation methods, 3D technology, 3D poster, project activity.


The purpose of the research is to justify the need to modernize the project activities in cultural and artistic institutions, in order to develop the creative and business potential of gifted students, to promote the production of new cultural values. The methodology of the research is to apply an analytical approach - in the work on scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to issues of project activity, game simulation methods and multimedia technologies; a systematic approach - in determining the possibilities for the integrated application of modeling techniques and 3d technologies in innovative cultural and artistic activities. The scientific novelty consists in determining the author of the peculiarities of using the methods of modeling and 3D technologies in the cultural and artistic project activity, in order to develop the creative and business potential of gifted students. The main achievements of educational 3D technology developers for working with university students in the conditions of innovation activity are summarized. The main perspectives and problems of further development of this research direction are outlined. Conclusions: The possibility of integrated application of game simulation techniques and 3D technologies in the development of creative projects has been established. Computer simulation will solve complex professional tasks in innovative cultural and artistic activity and use author's model of objects as training simulators. The introduction of 3D technology in the educational process of higher education and the work of cultural and arts institutions will facilitate the process of presentation of creative projects and will easily eliminate the existing shortcomings in them. The cultural values created by modern gifted artists in a new format, using modern technology, contribute to the preservation of traditional values as an archetype for maintaining national identity.

Author Biography

Oksana Gavelya, National Academy of Culture and Arts Management

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanities 


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