Homo Virtualis space and post-digital aesthetics of music


  • Olena Ryabinina National University of civil defense of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Inna Kovalenko Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine




space, music, Homo Virtualis, post-digital aesthetics


The purpose of the research is to analyze the virtualization of art in the aspect of the spatial quality of the subject of music. The methodology of the research is focused on the integration of philosophical and aesthetic tools in the culturological discursive field with the application of the experience of musicology on a complementary basis, which corresponds to the interdisciplinary specificity of the subject. The scientific novelty of the work consists of  the interpretation of  Homo Virtualis phenomena as a compensatory ontological unity; that in the media music- making is provided by the mutual representativity of the effect of unconditional reality of  the world space and spontaneous introspection. Conclusion. Virtualization is a synthesis of the symbolic and practical scenarios of the development of the world, which is expressed in the continuum of music by the digital reminiscence of the Pythagorean cosmogony and the neo-material tendency of post-digital aesthetics. Non-verbal communication and the ability of music to assimilate a semiosis of different qualities made it possible to modify the way of its existence: from the event of the text - to the existance-mediator. The spatial quality of Homo Virtualis activates affects and somatic memory, demonstrates the inseparable unity of existentialistic truth and mystification; but that partly highlights the essence of the musical; art in general. The specific space of  Homo Virtualis is a performative mythologema of implication. The digital continuum combines the transformation of conceptual art and the rejection of tradition. Consequently, massification, the mass state of consciousness, is the reverse side of the radical changes, that is an unconsciousness  in the ontological aspect. At the same time, in the post-digital experience there are deep existential truths of the modern man and his view of life.


Author Biographies

Olena Ryabinina, National University of civil defense of Ukraine

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, head of the social disciplines and humanities department

Inna Kovalenko, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Associate professor of Philosophy 


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