
  • Valentyna Dyachuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



education, image, strategies of forming of images, public relations, socio-cultural activity of institute


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to analyse the strategies of forming an image of the institution of higher education in their socio-cultural dimension. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the multidisciplinary approach, which is the synthesis such studies as imagelogy, management, aesthetics and cultural one. The author’s uses the comparative method to analyse different definitions of the image, culturological one to show the value of the image in the development of the cultural level of educational institutions, the structural method to consider the main elements of forming the image in the Ukrainian education. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty is the analysis of the image’s strategies of the institutions of higher education in their promotion in the society. Conclusions. The work on creating and maintaining an image of the educational institution requires a rather multidimensional and regular activity not only image-makers, but also teams of professionals of public relations. The effective implementation of the university’s image strategies provides the strengthening of the higher education positions in the market of educational services. The image strategy allows the university to introduce its activity to the wide spectrum of people, to make presentations of its achievements and to broadcast of its values and culture.

Author Biography

Valentyna Dyachuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

PhD in Cultural Studies, associate professor, the department of the art-management and event technologies chair


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