Experience of virtuoso instrumental play ХІХ century in forming mastery to modern clarinetist


  • Zinoviy Burkackiy Odessa National Music Academy of the name A.V.Nezhdanova, Ukraine




instrumentalism, mastery of the clarinetist, style in music, performance style, virtuosity


Purpose of the article is an organic determination relationship modern mastery of instrumentalist-clarinetist with achievements of the instrumental play of the epoch "diamond" style. Methodology. The methodological base of the study – intonation approach of the school B.Asafiev in Ukraine, presented by works A.Sokol, K.Myulberg, E.Markova and others, beside which inherent specified vision of the speech nature of the music is oriented on methods comparative history intonation analysis, as well as hermeneutics principle, allowing differentiate forming music -intonation flow of creative activity in hierarchies general and derived by them trend performance creative searching for. Scientific novelty of the work is defined that that for the first time in the science of art is chosen solving value to "diamond" instrumentalism of clarinet play in forming the actual factors for contemporaneity clarinet performance mastery XX century. Conclusions. Done review historian-stylistic conquests to clarinet virtuosity spurs to support of the ideas of the work on а rtistic mobility psyches of the clarinetist – as equivalent mechanically-motor readiness his finger and physical device as a whole, to the constant expansion of the spectrum of the skills and habits. Exactly finger technology of the clarinetist emerges as the handhold to virtuosity, as pivotal, base moment to another component of the technology of the clarinetist, formed on wave salon "diamond" style. Given observation motivates our increased interest to instruct material, dug predecessor in previous centuries, as well as has spurred the author of the study to formation three collection etude of composers XIX-XX centuries on types of the clarinet play technology.

Author Biography

Zinoviy Burkackiy, Odessa National Music Academy of the name A.V.Nezhdanova

the Ph.d, Professor, Chair of wind- and percussion instruments


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