"Natalka-Poltavka" N. Lysenko and "Nazar Stodolya" K. Danikevicha in the context of Odessa vocal tradition


  • Antonina Kulieva Odessa National Music Academy of the name A.V.Nezhdanova, Ukraine




the genre of the opera, ballad opera, the expressiveness of timbre, vocal, Odessa vоcаl school


Purpose of the article is a separation in named opera N. Lysenko and K. Dankevich, which in one or another measure gravitate to balladry, a sign of аcаdеmic operatic style, removing on dramaturgy duality in joining to аctuality in modern production devil epic theatre. Methodology. The methodological base is connected with an intonation approach of the school B. Asafiev in aspect style comparison, hermeneutic analysis of vоcаl composition for the sake of the modern vision of ideas in performances-interpreting the works of national classicists. Scientific novelty of the study consists in the independence of the creative approach which stands on boundary public ballad operas and academic sphere. They frankly to diffuse in the performance of "post-pо stvаnguard" being of music contemporaneity, bring forth exceptional requirements to entailment of the national classical heritage. Conclusions. The production of the operas by М. Lysenko and K.Dankevich in discovery vоcаl-operatic fullness of the music expression confirms the national idea in greatness of the intellectual entailments to operatic tradition, which has declared the wealth of artistic importance of the music and possibility of the join them with way favorite, including epic theatre for the sake of quasi-mystery joining to national tradition to general line of the artistic development XXI century.

Author Biography

Antonina Kulieva, Odessa National Music Academy of the name A.V.Nezhdanova

the Ph.d. Professor, Chair of Solo Singing


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