
  • Olena Melnychuk Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine



modern theatre, theatrical journalism, theatrical education, culture of Ukraine


The purpose of the research. The article deals with M. Voronyi’s theoretical legacy including theatrical journalism and theatrical pedagogy in the fledging period of the Ukrainian modern theater at the beginning of the twentieth century. His theatrical works as well as theoretical achievements in theatrical pedagogy, which were based on his considerable acting experience and studies of the achievements in world theatre, are analyzed. The main units of the first Ukrainian theatrical textbook "The director": "The nature of the director's activities", "Preparatory work of the director" and "The director’s work with actors", dedicated to the professional education of the director, are analyzed. Methodology. While dealing with historic aspects of the investigation, there have been applied historic, historic comparative and historic genetic methods. While analyzing the achievements of both the world and the national theater, there has also been used the method of drama study. The scientific novelty consists in defining the main points of M. Voronyi’s theoretical works on theater and theatrical pedagogy, as well as in comprehending the artist’s legacy considering the important culturological aspects, which affected the development of the national culture. Conclusions. The whole M. Voronyi’s creative activity was of educational nature and was designed to boost both Ukrainian culture and the Ukrainian modern theater to the level of the world standards.

Author Biography

Olena Melnychuk, Rivne State Humanitarian University

PhD in Art Criticism, senior lecturer, Professor of Stage Directing Department


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