
  • Igor Gruzin Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Semeriaga Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine



professional breathing, wind instruments, respiratory system, chest-abdominal breathing princi-ple, muscles, pressure, particularity, type, air, performer.


The purpose of this article is to disclose particular and the most characteristic features of using contemporary types of professional breathing by musicians playing wind academic instruments. The methodology of this investigation is based on the application of analysis and synthesis methods as well as comparative and system-complex ways of re-search. The methods of observation and generalization are applied as specialized methodological instruments for receiv-ing the precise empirical results. The scientific novelty lies in the revealing of peculiar criterions of modern types of performer breathing and their particular principles of performing and practical use. The conclusions of this research produce sequences of character-logical attributes of the present types of professional respiration of the artists of wind music performing art. First of all, mixed chest-abdominal principle of working of respiratory system constitutes the par-ticularity of sidepiece, spinal-lateral, full and incomplete breathing. The authors emphasize the absence of huge forward protrusion of stomach muscles. The place of pressure of air column is carried out to low sectors of abdominal cavity. The researchers stress on the necessity of system physical exercises for abdominal muscles.

Author Biographies

Igor Gruzin, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher the Orchestra Instruments chair

Volodymyr Semeriaga, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher of the Orchestra Instruments chair


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