
  • Yevheniia Sydorovska Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



creativity, creative activity, lifeworld of a human, socialization, objective and subjective reality.


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to systematize the existing theories, dealt with the problem of the relationship between creativity in the human lifeworld, and its objective and subjective reality. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the general scientific principles of systematization and generalization. The purpose and the tasks of the work include using of the following methods: historical and cultural (to show the objective attitude to the accumulation of primary data); hermeneutic (to study and to systematize various modifications of the concept of "correlation"); analytical (to analyze the conceptual foundations, which are the basis of the modern approaches to the studying of the problem of creativity and the human lifeworld). Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work lies in systematization of existing theories of the human lifeworld, its relationship with creative activity and its exceptional significance in the process of human self-development and self-improvement. The study shows the creative activity and the process of self-development as the integral components of the human lifeworld. Conclusions. The analysis of creative activity should be based on the theoretical potential of the problem of the "lifeworld" of a human, which should to be included into a broader theoretical constant. The world perception affects the world attitude, which arises as the process and the result of the discovery of various individual properties of a holistic human being, his essential forces and their realization in accordance with the specifics of the fragments of the world. The worldview of a person merged all the elements of its involvement in the world, including the confrontation with him. The world perception is formed under the influence of spiritual, moral, psychological and aesthetic factors. Their values and significance for a man determine the estimation of the past and the present, the views on the future and individual perspectives.

Author Biography

Yevheniia Sydorovska, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

lecturer of the Department of Philosophy


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