
  • Marina Chumachenko Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine



light, darkness, religious continuity, value, ideal, ascetics, participation.


The purpose of the work is to reveal the cultural specifics of the inclusion of the light and darkness mythologem into the mechanism of religious culture continuity. Methodology. The methodology of the work is based on cultural approach involving discourse of interdisciplinary dialogue, which determines integration of principles and methods of religious studies into the cultural research analytics. The methodological basis of the specified scientific research is a combination of activity-based, axiological, ethical, philosophical and anthropological, phenomenological, religious, functional, semiotic and hermeneutical methods of research adapted to the cultural approach in understanding the mechanism of incorporating the light and darkness mythologem into the process of religious culture continuity. The scientific novelty of the research lies, firstly, in inclusion of the light and darkness mythologem into the problem field of social and humanitarian discussions, which seek to find new cultural models that would form organic synthesis of traditional and innovative principles in its structure; and secondly, in revealing peculiarities of translation of inherited experiences that affect the composition of religious culture and determine the algorithms of social and cultural dynamics of society. Understanding the role of the light and darkness mythologem as the expresser of the Christian religious tradition continuity reveals the prospect of expanding and deepening the analytical capabilities of cultural studies in the context of religious culture. Conclusions. The light and darkness mythologem in the mechanism of religious culture continuity is the instrument of translating universal, repeatable in accordance with the foundations of the Christian worldview and at the same time unique conceptual and life strategy of an individual and peculiarities of his/her spiritual experience – struggle and creativity. Inclusion of the light and darkness mythologem into the continuity of religious culture development is determined by its active inclusion in the axiological and ethical aspects of the latter, which constitute the content of ideologically motivated and purposeful activities of people with the subsequent transfer of cultural and religious experience/result to furthergenerations.

Author Biography

Marina Chumachenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Postgraduate Student of Cultural Studies Department


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