
  • Victor Karpov National Academy of Leaders of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Natalia Syrotynska M. Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, Ukraine



scholasticism, isihasm, medieval, poetics, symbolism, sacral hymnography


The purpose of the study is to identify related philosophical and artistic parallels between time-honored epochs of the Middle Ages and the present, as well as defining the forms of interaction between these links. Research methods. The choice of research strategies in studying the peculiarities of the socio-cultural system of isolated periods determined the application of systemic and integrated approaches that ensured the establishment of valuable socio-cultural functional elements within the historical development of mankind. The use of comparative and heuristic methods of research contributed to the identification of structural models and symbols that ensured the integrity and systemicity of the evolution of culture. In this context, we also use the heuristic method of research, which promotes the modeling of structural relationships within the sociocultural development of society, and also reflects the social relations and cultural and artistic forms of cooperation of various civilization types. The use of these methods of research contributed to obtaining their own theoretical results. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is the formulation and development of an actual topic, which in the scientific dimension has not received comprehensive and objective coverage and is being investigated for the first time. The idea is based on the fact that the results of comprehension of ideological and artistic forms of interaction of the Middle Ages and modernity are an important factor in the formation of a coherent historical and cultural model of human development. The interpretation of medieval philosophical imperatives in the formation of valuable categories of the present is noted. Conclusions. The development of the culture of mankind has demonstrated the presence of distinct ideological and artistic parallels in the distant periods of the Middle Ages and the present. It is noted that this similarity is due to the presence of internal mechanisms inspired by the ideological peculiarities of Christian society. It is stated that the results of comprehension of the connection of the mentioned epochs are an important factor in reflecting the social relations and cultural-artistic forms of the cooperation of various civilizational types. In this context, the historical and cultural model of human development acquires structural integrity and predictability in relation to the formation of valuable categories of thefuture.

Author Biographies

Victor Karpov, National Academy of Leaders of Culture and Arts

doctor of historical sciences, Head of the Department of Art Study Expertiseat

Natalia Syrotynska, M. Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy

doctor of Art, head of department of medieval studies and ukrainian music


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