
  • Tetiana Kablova Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



music, fine art, globalization, integration, creative process


The purpose of the work. The research is related to the study of modern cultural and artistic integration process, which receive their embodiment at different levels of human art existence. The article deals with the concept of musical art under the influence of fine art in the context of modern cultural space. The research emphasises typical component in music from by fine art, which reflects all historical, social and cultural changes of being. The work analyzes importance of integration of art in historical process as well. The methodology of work is to use comparative, historical and logical methods, a hypothetical and deductive method, which suggest the consideration of integration of art as a gloс al phenomenon in the globalization processes of culture. This methodological approach contributes to the analysis and formation of the phenomenon of integration in musical art by fine art in the cultural space of creative processes. Which helps to determine its place and role in the system of existing artistic forms. Scientific novelty is the positioning of integratiion in art as a existence and the transfer of values and norms of culture. For the first time, integration musical works by fine art, presents a new level of imagery. Underline, that directly under the influence of other types of arts such as painting (prints, paintings, murals, etc.), musica make new form of artistic expression emerges within cultural spaces. Conclusions. Understanding integration process in art as a process of producing new form of the spiritual culture raises up the importance of communication between the kind of arts. Musical reflection on the fine art as processes of integration today reaches the level where art proceeds to a qualitatively new level of existence, based on the dominant system of value orientations in the modern context of the era.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kablova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in Arts, associate professor of academic and variety singing, Institute of Arts


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