Competent principles of future сhoreographers’ professional training in classical university


  • Tetiana Medvid Institute of Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



future choreographer, classical university, competency-based approach, professional competence, professional training, choreographer’s professional activity


Purpose of the article. The research scientifically substantiates the advisability of competency-based approach implementing into future choreographers’ professional training in classical university. The main factors that influence the efficiency of student-choreographers’ professional training are found out: the level of domestic choreographic school development, needs and demands of the society about choreographic art; the level of lecturers’ training, students’ giftedness and academic ability; the material basis of the educational institution and the scientific and methodological content development of the choreographic education. The groups of general and professional competencies that ensure choreographer’s successful professional activity are determined. Professional competencies include basic (organizational, psychological and pedagogical, fine art, musical informative and technological, methodical) and special (choreographic, artistic-stage, medical and biological). The methodology of the research is based on the application of a competency-based approach in the development of the syllabus for bachelors of choreographers’ training in classical university. The scientific novelty of the work is that: 1) the necessity and advisability of competency-based approach implementation in the development of syllabus for the students of the "Choreography" specialty is substantiated; 2) objective and subjective factors, which depend on the quality of choreographic education in the classical university are revealed; 3) groups of professional competencies that can form the basis of the competency-based model of the choreographer as a dancer, teacher, and head of the choreographic team are defined. Conclusions. The primary goal of teaching student choreographers in a classical university is not mastering of individual knowledge, abilities, and skills, but the formation of general and professional competencies that meets the modern demandsan densurest he success of choreographers’ professional activity. The proposed classification of professional competencies can form the basis of the choreographer’s competency-based model as the result of his professional training in classical university.

Author Biography

Tetiana Medvid, Institute of Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD, Head of Choreography Department


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