Ukrainian national revival and development of the carving art in Galicia (the end of 19 – the beginning of 20 century)


  • Roman Odrekhivskyi Ukrainian National Forestry University, Ukraine



Galicia, the art of carving, national revival, exhibition, exposition


Purpose of the article is to show the interconnection between national revival in Galicia (the end of 19 – the beginning of 20 century) and development of the art of carving. The methodology of the research is based on the general principles of scientific work: authenticity, historicism, and logic. Dominant for the analysis of socio-cultural processes and the development of the carving in Galicia (the end of 19 – the beginning of 20 century)are comparative-historical and cultural sciencw methods. Scientific Novelty. The essence of scientific research is the illumination of the artistic features of carving in the western Ukrainian region (using materials of the historical and ethnographic area of Galicia) as a component of national and regional spiritual and material culture. Conclusions. The scientific research is done, the theoretical generalizations on the scientific problem of the conceptual solution of the theme of the national revival in the development of the art of carving in Galicia(the end of 19 – the beginning of 20 century)are made.

Author Biography

Roman Odrekhivskyi, Ukrainian National Forestry University

PhD in Art Studies, Associated Professor of the Design Departament


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