
  • Nataliia Pyzhianova Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine




evolution, musical folklore, music, art, singing, cultural development


The purpose of the article is to study the process of musical folklore evolution in the territory of Ukraine in the IV millennium BC – mid. I millennium AD. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of our research is an understanding of the evolution of musical folklore as a continuous process, which is accompanied by the transformation of such characteristic features as, in particular, the gender composition and the number of performers, the dynamics and the nature of the melody. During the research, the following methods were used: the historiographical analysis (was used to distinguish the stages of the evolution of musical folklore), historical and comparative methods (for determining the characteristic features of musical folklore of each period). The scientific novelty of our research is the synthesis and systematization of historical data on the evolution of musical folklore in the territory of modern Ukraine with the definition of the main features peculiar to separate periods within the IV mill. BC – the first half of I century AD. Conclusions. During the IV millennium BC – the half of I century AD, the evolution of musical folklore took place in the direction of a gradual separation from the immediate ritual. The transformation of genre dominants has led to a change in the gender composition of performers: from the fundamental role of women in the ritual folklore of the Eneolithic to the domination of male performing in the following historical epochs. With the appearance in the territory of Ukraine of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes the genre spectrum expanded: there were hymns and vivats accompanied by instrumental accompaniment. The gradual departure from the cultural ritual contributed to the growth of the number of performers, in particular in the musical folklore of the Germanic tribes. The epic folklore, in which a song was not identified with the ritual, became alsoimportant.

Author Biography

Nataliia Pyzhianova, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

PhD in Arts, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Musicology and Vocal Choral Disciplines


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