Research of the icon “The Virgin of Odigitria” (Trinity Saint Elijah) from the collection of the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve


  • Olga Ryzhova National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve, Ukraine



icon painting, research, attribution, Chernihiv, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.


The purpose of the article is to publish results of the complex study of the monument. The methodology of here searc his to use the principles of historicism and comparative analysis. Specifics of material structure of the icon are identified with technical and technological studies, that included optic studies of the surface of the painting in the visible direct and side light source, in the infrared (IR-) and ultraviolet (UV-) radiation range, layered visual microscopic study of the surface of the paint layer, sampling of soil and paint layer; determination of soil composition and pigments of the paint layer. Scientific novelty is to clarify the icon’s dating, to detect its iconographic, stylistic and technical and technological features. Conclusions. Due to results of complex (stylistic, iconographic and technical and technological) studies, the icon “The Virgin of Odigitria” (Trinity Saint Elijah) (KPL-ZH-186, NKPHCR) was dated to the first third of XVIII century and connect its painting with the circle of Chernihiv’s masters who worked at Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra then.

Author Biography

Olga Ryzhova, National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve

PhD in Arts, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Restoration and Conservation Department


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