Philanthropy as Component of Artistic Life OF Southern Ukraine at the XIX-XX Centuries


  • Natalia Sapak Separate Division “Mykolaiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”,, Ukraine



philanthropist, archeology, art, exhibition, museum collecting


Purpose of the article. The study is about determining the critical aspects of the patrons’ activity as a prevalent feature of the artistic life of Southern Ukraine on the verge of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The methodology is a comprehensive historical and cultural approach. According to it the interpretation and presentation of the material have been done in a historical context of patronage. Scientific novelty consists of summarizing activities and creating a holistic understanding of philanthropy and its role in the culture and art of the region. Conclusions. Charity in Southern Ukraine had its peculiarities associated with the development of archeology, collecting, exhibition activities. Patrons initiated and participated in charitable exhibitions, creating art museums, collecting works of art and organized private-public gallery. Thus, patronage played a significant role in the artistic life of theregion.

Author Biography

Natalia Sapak, Separate Division “Mykolaiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”,

Candidate of Art Criticism, Professor at the Design Department


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