Features of arrangements of songs from the repertoire of a capella band Pentatonix


  • Veronica Tormakhova Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




a capella, "Pentatonix, " arrangement, song, group


The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the arrangement of compositions from the repertoire and the Capella of the Pentatonix collective, which has its style, the manifestation of which is the creation of interpretive unique creative versions of known hits. The research methodology is to use analytical and comparative approaches to reveal the specifics of the arrangements of the group. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in Ukrainian musicology an appeal to the analysis of the well-known American captain group "Pentatonix" is being conducted and an attempt is made to find out the reasons for the popularity of the group, which consists in the existence of a creative approach in creating an interpretive version of the song when it is arranged. Conclusions. The band "Pentatonix" is a team that demonstrates a high level of professionalism in its practice. A characteristic feature of the team's style is the creation of exciting interpretations of famous hits, which is manifested in a combination of the original version of the song and its own author's inserts. This approach is complemented by high-quality and skillful intonation, mastery of the vocal apparatus and a sense of consistency of the ensemble. The dramaturgy of compositions, which usually goes beyond the form of the verse, is calculated, contributing to the formation of the secondplan.

Author Biography

Veronica Tormakhova, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Academic Choral and instrumental Arts Department


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