Theoretical problems of studying the choreographer-director work in the historical and analytical aspect


  • Olena Shapoval Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema, and Television University, Ukraine



choreographic culture, ballet theater, the art of choreographer-director.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the role and significance of the art of the directing choreographer asthe driving force behind the development of the world choreographic culture. The methodology of the research is based on the general scientific analysis and synthesis methods as means for identifying the conceptual aspect of the choreographer-director art historical development in the process of mastering art studies, cultural literature, namely, historical-comparative and cultural-logical. Scientific novelty. In the historical context of the choreographic art evolution, the progress and the update of choreography, the development of ballet art in general, and ballet the aterinparticular,the fateful value of the choreographer- director art as a defining field is traced. Conclusions. The ballet theater is a synthetic art of creating visual and musical images. However, synthesis in ballet art is achieved only due to the extraordinary artistic thinking and the broad outlook of the choreographer to the holistic perception and figuratively-metaphorical reflection of reality. New trends and artistic currents primarily appeared in the work of choreographer-practitioners, and then there were theoretical justifications and declarations of the most modern aesthetic principles. The development of all genres of choreographic culture, as well as the enrichment of dance forms and expressive means of ballet, depends on the art of thechoreographer-director.

Author Biography

Olena Shapoval, Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema, and Television University

Ph.D. of Philosophy, Lecturer of I.D. Bezgin Theatrical Affairs Department


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