
  • Artem Vinichuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



artistic technologies, folklore festivals, new artistic forms, theatrical art, theatrical and concert activity, musical culture, formation of artistic image.


The рurpоsе оf тhе research is to study modern tendencies of formation and interaction of traditions and innovations of the national contemporary Ukrainian art as a basis for the transformation of artistic technologies in the theatrical and concert activity. The dynamics of the formation of the latest artistic technologies used in theater and concert activity of Ukraine is considered. The methodology of the research is based on socio-cultural, introspective, retrospective methods, as well as methods of systematization and analysis of the formation of the latest artistic technologies used in theatrical and concert activity of Ukraine. The basis of the research is the comprehensive analysis of scientific and theoretical works, which combines dialectical approach with a synergetic paradigm. Factors influencing the formation and development of artistic technologies in new socio-cultural conditions of understanding and systematization of the processes taking place in contemporary theatrical and concert activities are generalized. Scientific novelty consists in studying the dynamics of the formation of the latest artistic technologies used in theatrical and concert activity of Ukraine. The peculiarities of the development of contemporary Ukrainian art as the basis for the transformation of artistic technologies in theatrical and concert activities of Ukraine are analyzed in detail. Conclusions. The use of artistic technologies in theater and concert activities reflects the dynamics of the formation and transformation of image sound design on the stage. The study of the influence of artistic technologies in its massive forms on a person becomes more and more relevant in the society of knowledge, when the factors of global informativeness and coverage of the broadest recipient circles play a decisive role in the artistic and communicativeprocesses.

Author Biography

Artem Vinichuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Postgraduate student


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