
  • Olesia Stepanova Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine




J. N. Нummel's "Guidance", Vienna and London schools, piano pedagogy


Purpose of the research. The historical significance of J. N. Нummel’s heritage as the systemic integrity goes beyond the limits of its artistic epoch J. N. Нummel's "Guidance" for playing the piano-forte (1828) was highly praised for criticism of that time. Later, J. N. Нummel's work "fell out" from the musical and pedagogical context, it was ceased to interest pianists and teachers as a source of teaching methods of playing the piano. In the name of clarifying the essence of the historical situation, it seems necessary to form a modern assessment of the methodological work of J. N. Нummel as a possible precondition for the introduction of its provisions and principles in the context of modern piano pedagogy. Thus, the purpose of the study is to study the assessments and judgments of scientists of the late XIX century, concern-ing the theoretical and practical aspects of the "Guidance" for playing piano-forte by J. N. Нummel. Methodology. The methods of the research are determined by the task of comprehensive study of Нummel’s pedagogical work, so the research is based on the principle of historicism, axiological research method, as well as methods of systematization and generalization. The scientific novelty of the research is conditioned by the necessity, in the interests of the development of modern piano art, an objective study of J. N. Нummel's "Guidance" from the point of establishing its significance in the context of the first third of the XX century as well as the prospects for its introduction into piano pedagogy of our days. Сonclusions. In his "School" J. N. Нummel synthesized significant "events" of the half-century piano history and scientifically determined prediction (foresight) of the future instrument. Estimates of his contemporaries are contradictory, nevertheless, H. Riemann designated his work – "The Great Piano School", R. Genicka ascribes a prognostic function to his work. It allows putting forward a hypothesis, concerning the fact that J. N. Нummel's work has not lost relevance yet, and it is advisable to introduce its materials in the pedagogical practice of modernity.

Author Biography

Olesia Stepanova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture



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