East-West dichotomy: historical and cultural aspect


  • Polina Gerchanivska National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




East–West dichotomy, dialogue of civilizations, dialogization


The purpose of the article is a historical and cultural analysis of the dichotomy of the East and the West as antinomy systems with immanent semantic codes. Methodology. The conceptual methodological core of the study is a historical-comparative analysis of the East–West dichotomy. With the help of the hermeneutic interpretation method, the peculiarities of eastern and western civilizations which determine their dichotomy are revealed; the dialogic method is used to determine the mechanisms of interaction of civilizations. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the conceptualization of the phenomenon of East–West dichotomy from the standpoint of the binary opposition I–Other. Based on the historical-comparative analysis of Eastern and Western civilizations, the factors, mechanisms, and results of their interaction at various stages of world history are revealed. A hypothesis was advanced to explain the transition of the world system from globalization to a new form of internationalization – dialogization. Сonclusions. The historical-culturological aspect of the East-West dichotomy is considered from the perspective of the concept I–Other. The factors of the worldview parallelism of Eastern and Western civilizations as antinomian systems with different worldviews, traditions, economic and military-political potential are identified. The semantic transformations of the East-West dichotomy are studied in the context of the entry of one culture into the semiosphere of another culture in a time perspective. The factors of the dialogical turn in international relations in the context of global integration processes at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries are revealed. It is shown that in the XXI century globalization is being replaced by dialogization as a modern form of internationalization of social life based on the communicative principle.

Author Biography

Polina Gerchanivska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

D. Sс. of Cultural Studies, professor, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Information Communications


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