
  • Alla Gotsaliuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



fashionable artistic image, fashion, fashionable image, national traditions, fashion trends, fashion industry, artistic dimension.


The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the inclusion of elements of national traditions in the formation of the artistic image of the fashion industry of the XXI century. Methodology. The research methodology consists of the application of dialectic, analytical methods in order to study the specifics and prerogatives of the formation of an artistic, fashionable image in the modern period, the determination of the factors that influence them; functional and instrumental - to differentiate the role and importance of the formation of a fashionable image in modern culture; comparative - to determine the content of the concepts “fashion”, “fashionable image” through the prism of turning to national traditions in the world outlook and axiological aspects. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the influence of national cultures on the formation of the artistic image of the fashion industry of the XXI century has been studied. Conclusions. The study concluded that the fashionable artistic image is not just the artist’s thinking process but also the final stage of the vision and perception of the world. The research is a form of reflection of the surrounding reality, which is created with the help of various fashion trends in the process of activity of representatives of the fashion industry. It has been established that a fashionable image is a unique vision of the ideal of beauty and an idea of the single character of the reproduction of appearance at a particular historical stage. It was determined that the peculiarities of appeal to national traditions in the art of the artistic image of the fashion industry of the XXI century include: 1) the national tradition remains one of the most productive sources in creating new forms, original compositions, coloristically decorative fashionable images of the modern Ukrainian; 2) the powerful influence of economic factors on the activities in the fashion industry; 3) the enrichment of elements of national traditions with new solutions with the help of modern technical and technological tools, arsenal, techniques and the acquisition of new artistic dimensions by them, most noticeably this is manifested in the modeling of clothes and interior design; 4) the influence of the historical period, social, economic, political components on the formation of the volume of the need to appeal to the elements of national traditions in the fashion industry.

Author Biography

Alla Gotsaliuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of
Event Management and the Leisure Industry


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