Thematization of Cultural Practices in the Scientific Discourse


  • Olha Kopiyevska National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



practice, cultural practices, cultural turns, cultural senses, scientific tradition


Purpose of the Article. The purpose of the article is to study the existed theories of the concepts of «practice» and «cultural practices». In addition, the author analyses their understanding in the context of the modification and transformation of the components of culture. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of the general scientific principles of systematization and generalization. They allow the author to determine and substantiate the existing theory and the conceptual approaches to the understanding of the meaning of the concepts of «practice» and «cultural practice». The axiological approach gives us an opportunity to find out certain unanimity in the sense of the person’s belonging to the various cultural practices in the studied theories. The analytical method helps us to reveal the conceptual foundations for further scientific perspectives.  Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the theories, concerning the understanding of the concepts of «practice» and «cultural practice», and the analysis of their semantic range of the considered concepts, their semantics, and content. Conclusion. The studied theories have allowed the author to state that the main subject of any practice is a person, who forms a practice as the particular activities, which are based on his/her individual characteristics such as behavior, education, creativity, art, leisure, and mental connection, etc. One of the main intentions of the cultural practices is the conservation, transfer and further development of the system of meanings, ideas that are objectified in the knowledge and manifested in the symbolic forms. The thematization of the cultural practices requires the clarification of their content and includes the development of a conceptual-categorical apparatus. It allows theoretically the author to describe the development of the algorithm for their implementation as the totality of actions, techniques, methods, verbal and non-verbal communication as a necessary gesture accompaniment, taking into account the specifics of spatial locals, toposes and their realization.

Author Biography

Olha Kopiyevska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

D. Sс. of Cultural Studies, professor, head of Department of Art-Management and Event Technologies


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