Stuntmen as an integral part of the spectacular-stunt action


  • Olexander Zhukovin National Academy of Leadership Personnel of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



stuntman, director of tricks, fencing equipment, trick in the filml, modern cinema, avant-garde theater, trick.


The purpose of the work is to substantiate the peculiarities of the formation and formation of the stunt profession as a spectacular trick action. The methodology of the research is based on a comparative analysis of the content of the concept "stuntman" or the performer of tricks and the disclosure of the essence of the phenomenon of spectacular-trick action in cinema art. The scientific novelty is to uncover the peculiarities of the professional activity of stuntmen and stunt makers. The regularity of the spectacular-trick art development in cinematography and other forms in modern Ukrainian art is specified. Conclusions. Consequently, the study clarifies and formulates the definition of the concepts of "stuntman" and "director of tricks" in the context of spectacular forms of art. A cascader is a specially trained person performing tricks that are an integral part of the artistic image of various artistic-spectacular forms. The trickster is the person who manages a group of stuntmen, inventions a trick in the context of the script, organizes the process of preparing a trick scene and directly participates in the trick episode. Thus, the profession of stunt stunt / performer is the most dangerous, but also indispensable profession in spectacular trick art. Today, it's impossible to imagine a movie, theater or show without spectacular forms of art, which means that the "stuntman" profession will continue to evolve and improve through new technologies, using modern advances in science and technology.

Author Biography

Olexander Zhukovin, National Academy of Leadership Personnel of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor of the Department of Performing and Audiovisual Art


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