Contemporary methodology and prospects of the Advertising Design development


  • Svitlana Pryshchenko Institute of Design and Advertising of the National Academy of Managerial staff in Culture and Arts, Ukraine



advertising design, visualization, mass culture, advertising aesthetics, advertising graphics, stylistics, image, poster, digital media.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing methodological approaches to Art Culture, Design-activity, Advertising for the further effective designing of advertising products, increasing its positive value orientations and aesthetic level. Research methodology. The integrative character of the Advertising industry determines methodological approaches and scientific methods. In accordance with the selected multimodal and trans-system approaches, the author substantiates and discloses seven necessary methods: system-structural, socio-cultural, axiological, art-historical, comparative, synergistic and semiotic. Scientific novelty. For the first time in Ukraine, the comprehensive analysis of Advertising Graphics as design component and form of socio-cultural communications was conducted, and the general prospects for the Advertising Design development, taking into account computer technologies were discussed. The relationships of functionality and aesthetics the forming means in the process of visualization advertising ideas from Affiche (Poster) to Digital Media are emphasized. Conclusions. Researching the Advertising Graphics as a product of Culture in the wide context, special attention is paid to the art-aesthetic problems of Advertising Design objects. Advertising discourse is defined as the type of communicative activity, that occurs in the cultural world area and actively forms the visual semantic structures. The proposed conceptual provisions for the Advertising Design development in Ukraine consist of expanding and deepening the Methodology of Project thinking, introducing the theoretical and methodological bases into practice and design-education, and concretizing the specialized terminology.

Author Biography

Svitlana Pryshchenko, Institute of Design and Advertising of the National Academy of Managerial staff in Culture and Arts

Doctor habil. in Design, Professor of Department of Graphic Design


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