Evolution of the Kiev vocal school in the second half of the twentieth century: problems and creative achievements


  • Pavlo Pokhodzei Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine




leading opera singers, opera house, opera school, opera traditions, Opera Studio of the National Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine.


The purpose of the article is to trace on the historical facts how Kyiv opera school developed during the second half of the twentieth century and which role in this process was played by the Opera Studio because this period is characterized an active evolution of it despite the Soviet engagement. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, historical and art-study research methods for determining the ways of development of Kyiv opera school of the specified period. The research is based on the practical experience of specialists in the field of musical and theatrical art. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyze the methods of disseminating on the educational process of the NMAU named after P. I. Tchaikovsky the acquired traditions and experience of many generations of leading opera singers who formed the national vocal-performing school. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that the history of the functioning of the department of solo singing of the Academy testifies to the tradition of attracting to the teaching work, as a rule, the most talented and experienced singers-actors who in their creative heritage have at least 25-30 years of work on a professional opera stage and get performing experience (through studying, internship or touring in Italy, France, Germany, etc.), gained recognition at the state and beyond and have become indisputable carriers of their teachers' schools. This conclusion applies both to the founders of the department and the subsequent generations of teachers.

Author Biography

Pavlo Pokhodzei, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Researcher of the Department of Scientific Coordination and Information at the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Teacher of the Department of General and specialized pianoforte


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