
  • Ali Mazarei
  • Asgar Salahi



Arabic, Astrology, Literature, Sufism, Translation.


Abstract. Helmutriert, Margaret Smith, Aghazgar Tehrani and others. By translating the works of Attar,
Neyshaburi has attracted the attention of some other nations to the works of Attar. If these translations are introduced more and more, young researchers and seekers will be useful, as well as those who are interested in studying the mystical works, will benefit from the familiarization and study of these translations. By seeing and studying these translations, other scholars may also be able to translate Attar's works into other languages that have not been translated. And this will make the human community more familiar with the works of this mystic and expensive poet. And as a result, the costly development of Islamic culture and literature for the international community will be more and more evident. n the area of bibliography of Attar, works have been carried out so far, and books such as "Attar's Bibliography" by Ali Mir Ansari and "The Influence and Propagation of Tadzkera Al-Alawi Attar in Pakistan," and so
on. But in the area of analytical work of Attar Research, especially outside of Iran, less has been studied. Hence, the authors of this article have taken a moment to reflect on this subject.
Keywords: Arabic, Astrology, Literature, Sufism, Translation.


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