
  • Tetyana Kryvosheya P. I. Chaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Anastasiia Romanenko Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



memorial cultural studies, identification, authentication, memoirs of V. Pukhalsky, memorial text in contemporary cultural discourse.


Purpose. Based on the example of the autobiographical memoirs "Notes on my Life" by Volodymyr Pukhalsky, a renowned pianist and teacher, one of the founders of professional musical education in Ukraine, the founder of the Kyiv Piano School and educationalist of the second half of the 19th and the first third of the 20th century, the authors sought to feature an essential characteristic of being of an artistic personality in the context of memorial cultural studies. The reminiscences of the artist serve as an important marker of cultural identification. The methodology of this study is based on the application of techniques of memorial cultural studies (the technique of memorial psychoanalytics and the theory of active memory culture). This methodology makes it possible to reconstruct the past, to simulate the past in the present day, and to determine the key trends in development of domestic culture. Scientific novelty. This study of the memoir heritage of V. Pukhalsky in the context of cultural studies is the first opportunity to address – using the set of concepts of memorial cultural studies – to the problem of culture of recollections. Conclusions. The works of Volodymyr Pukhalsky may be treated as a genre modification of the literary form of "notes" used to depict a reflecting mind. The narration is presented by a self-conscious narrator, who has regained his self-comprehension and strives to preserve it and to realize himself in the flow of culture.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Kryvosheya, P. I. Chaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

DSc in Cultural Studies, associate professor, professor of Chair of Theory and History of Culture

Anastasiia Romanenko, Institute of Arts of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in Cultural Studies, associate professor of Chair of Instrumental and Performance Skills


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