
  • Tetiana Kaznacheieva А. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine



the waltz, dance genre, ball, opera, dramaturgical functions


The purpose of the article is consideration of specific features of the embodiment of the waltz genre and its various dramaturgical functions in the nineteenth-century opera. In connection with the statement of this problem, examples of the interpretation of waltz in the classical examples of operatic art in the history of the Ukrainian opera belonging to the specified period are analyzed. The methodology of the research is based on the application of the system-structural, historical and analytical methods, which made it possible to identify innovative methods of interpreting the waltz genre in opera, along with the traditional ones. The scientific novelty consists in considering the waltz as an internal genre element that significantly influences the dramatic art of the opera, and thus opens up the possibility of a new understanding of the integral dramatic art of the opera work. Conclusions. Contributing to the plot and conflict development, often contrasting with the dramatic action, the waltz genre in the XIX century opera transforms its artistic and figurative content. Realizing various dramatic functions, it creates a certain emotional background, models a certain social, domestic and national environment, space and time. Moreover, being an expressive means of imaginative characteristics, the waltz genre contributes to revealing the inner world of the characters, and can also perform the culminating function in the parts of the opera work. The expressive capabilities of the waltz retain their relevance, influencing the viewer’s perception in the works of the modern opera theater.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kaznacheieva, А. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, assistant professor
The Department of Common and Specialized Piano


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