Retrospectivity as the project practice of actual appearances forming in the fashion system of ХХІ age


  • Maryna Kolosnichenko Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
  • Natalia Chuprina Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine



fashion system, fashionable appearance, retrospectivity, project practice, designer’s brand, fashion standard


Purpose of the Article. Primary purpose of this research is to describe the retrospectivity as the factor of antiglobalization and individualization in the fashion at the ХХI age. Also the method of introduction of trends of  retrospectivity as a project practice in the fashion system of the end ХХ - beginning of ХХI ages is determined in the article. The methodology consists in systematization and generalization of theoretical and factual information on the artistically-projective methods of development of actual fashion appearances. The basis of methodological principles of description of retrospectivity facilities are literary-analytical and comparatively-associative methods. Scientific Novelty. It is grounded in the article, that expansion of spheres of influence and improvement of ways of retrospective elements adaptation in the modern fashion system today becomes the ponderable factor of forming of actual projects appearances, especially in the context of crisis of consumption. Accordingly, address to the reasons of cultural legacy by many apologists of consumer society is characterized as a search of individuality and self-expression, assisting to development of retro- and vintage trends in the fashion system. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research it is possible to conclude, that designers realized give the suits or appearances created as compiling of the separate elements used on the basis of quoting or stylization. It is marked in the article, that a wide variety in directions of project activity and typical creative handwriting of modern Houses of fashion and trades marks, make the epoch of using of retro-elements and retro-styles the leading trend of the modern fashion system functioning and is not an instrument in forming of new eccentric stylish decision which will go down in history suit and fashion.

Author Biographies

Maryna Kolosnichenko, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Doctor of Engineering, professor in design, Dean of the Faculty of Design, professor of  Department of Ergonomics And Fashion Designing

Natalia Chuprina, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Ph.D, associate professor, associate professor Department of Artistic designing of costume


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