Teachings of cyril and Methodius as the Epicenter of Bulgaria’s national christian foundations


  • Liliia Nieicheva Odessa National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Ukraine




early Christian tradition, Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Irish religious tradition, ison-drone.


Purpose of the Article: reviewing theological work of Cyril and Methodius and defining foundations of the leadership of the Bulgarian nation in the Slavic areal in mastering Eastern Orthodoxy. The methodological basis of this work is provided by intonation concept of music represented by I. Liashevsky[7], BorisAsafyev’s follower in Ukraine. And also, by theoretical findings of the Bulgarian scholars P.Angelov, Georgi Bakalov and R.Grudev[1; 4], who stressed upon the inalienability of the nation from the religious in art. Scientific novelty: originality of the angle at which theological teachings were studied in generalized information regarding the history of Bulgarian art. Conclusions. The «Solun Brothers» embraced the ideas of early Christianity which did not know schisms and which allowed for a broad tolerance of various Christian denominations. Two lines in Saint Cyril’s theological teaching – intellectualism of missionary work and veneration of martyrdom and feat in the name of Faith – became especially prospective for the Bulgarian statehood and Eastern Orthodoxy. Especially impressive in the history of Bulgaria was the most vividly expressed patriotic combative spirit of Orthodox monasteries, which became outposts of the nation’s resistance to the Ottoman onslaught. This patriotic idea of monastic Service was a doctrine of Bulgarian Orthodoxy’s statehood foundations.

Author Biography

Liliia Nieicheva, Odessa National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Ph.D. in Arts, head of the literary and dramatic part


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