The tourism development of socio-cultural space of the city


  • Stepan Dychkovskyy



socio-cultural space, city, brand, cultural tourism, cultural industries, information society


The purpose of the article. Is to study the use of socio-cultural space of the city in tourism. The methodology involves the use of historical, bibliographic, and analytical methods. The scientific novelty of the work is to substantiate the feasibility and application of a new concept of socio-cultural space of the city, which plays a major role in the status of the city, its location, landscape features, cultural monuments, historical past. Conclusions. It is determined that the urban space reflects the processes of modern cultural reality and is expressed in the artifacts of urban life, objects of tourist display. It is proved that for the consumption of tourist services the modern tourist industry forms territorial city brands. Using attractive images and historical and socio-cultural objects that provide the traveler with the opportunity to freely navigate in obtaining new experiences that contribute to the uniqueness and originality of the city.


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