Using cultural and creative industries as a way of small-town revitalization


  • Maryna Otrishko



cultural and creative industries, small towns, cultural space, cultural heritage, community initiatives, revitalization.


The purpose of the article is an analysis of the results of cultural and creative industries implementation in small towns of Ukraine. A methodology of the research is based on using the methods: search method, comparative, analysis, and synthesis. A source base consists of the appropriate documents (regulations, programs of development strategies of the united local communities, statistical and sociological researches) using which allowed us to reveal and justify an expediency of cultural and creative industries implementation in small towns. A scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization of knowledge about cultural and creative industries as a way of small-town revitalization. Conclusions. In the article there were disclosed the definitions: «cultural industries», «creative industries», «small town»; researched and analyzed efficiency of cultural and creative industries implementation in small towns of Ukraine; proved that the small towns of Ukraine, having a potential for effective social and cultural development, do not use their possibilities. There was justified an opinion that an active community position of town residents; cooperation of community and representatives of state power and business plays a leading role in the development of small towns. There was proved that using the possibilities of cultural and creative industries in small towns will promote the revitalization of regions, in particular, positively affect the quality increase of the life of residents, the increment of working places, and the decrease of working migration.


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