Art markets and art products in the art marketing structure


  • Dmytro Akimov



art-market, art-product, art marketing, evaluation of works of art.


The purpose of the article. Research of contemporary art markets and analysis of the problem of the creation and implementation of art products with the use of marketing  technologies in the field of art. The methodology of the research is to apply empirical, comparative, and theoretical methods. This methodological approach makes it possible to reveal and analyze certain marketing technologies in the modern market of fine arts, taking into account the specificity and content of the art product. The scientific novelty consists in expanding ideas about the structure of art marketing. The article deeply analyzes an important problem related to the introduction of marketing technologies in the field of art. This sphere has its own originality. Art markets have a unique structure and art products have unique content. The article deals with the specificity of art markets, their main differences from the markets of classical goods and services. The article reveals the reasons for the emergence of art markets, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Attention is also paid to the detailed disclosure of the features of art products, which in the marketing process act as the starting point in the chain of promotion of artistic goods in the market. A similar art product has symbolic and commercial components. The article also briefly discusses the problem of evaluating art products. Conclusions. Art markets have all the main features of the classic markets. however, art markets differ in their peculiarities, which are connected with the uniqueness of art products. The market of art is characterized by a unique specificity of supply and demand, pricing. Economic laws and stereotypes in the art market require adaptation. Artistic products in art markets are objects whose value is manifested in their essence. They can be the starting point in the chain of product promotion on the market and carry out a "search" of the consumer. The artistic product has a symbolic component and a commercial component and can bring significant returns to its owner. Marketing technologies are also used for the correct and competent evaluation of the art product.


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Art, decorative art, restaurant