The prerequisites for the reform of the academic ballet and the emergence of new stylistic trends in theatre dance at the beginning of the XX century


  • Maryna Pogrebnyak



theatrical dance, classical ballet, «the system of expression», «the sistem of plastic movements», French-Italian classical dance school, Greek antique choreographic art, crisis of academic ballet.


The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize professional preconditions for reforming the academic ballet and the emergence of new stylistic trends in theatre dance at the beginning of the XXth century. The research methodology is based on the use of historical and comparative cultural, artistic methods to identify the causes of crisis phenomena in academic ballet at turn of the XIX XX centuries. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the complex and content of the causes of the crisis of classical ballet at the turn of the XIX XXth centuries, and the factors that were contributed to its reform. Conclusions. One of the most important professional prerequisites for the emergence of new styles of theatrical dance was the crisis of European academic ballet in the early XX century.  The factors that created the preconditions of reforming professional classical ballet and promote the using of new areas of theatrical dance began: the theoretical idea of «effective» theatrical dance of Zh. Novera and practical research in the field of «absolute motion» of F. Delsarte; separate experiments and purposeful research in the field of a new composition of theatrical dance of choreographers of the early XX century; «reorientation» of musical thinking at the end of the XIX  the beginning of the XXth cent.; the influence of the ideas of the artists of the union «World of Art» on the formation of a new understanding of composition and theatrical dance by the choreographers.


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