Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra: the communicative aspect of a symphonic performance


  • Oleg Vasiuta



academic symphony orchestra “Philharmonic, ” symphonic vicinage, community potential, cultural dynamics.


The purpose of the article. The study is connected with the substantiation of the communicative potential of symphonic performance, carried out on the example of large-scale creative activity of the Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Chernihiv Regional Philharmonic Center for Festivals and Concert Programs. The Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is the first professional creative group in the region that, over the past twenty years, has systematically promoted symphonic music by domestic and foreign composers. Methodology. Following the goals and objectives, the main methodological approaches are based on historical and musicological, causal, systemic methods. It allows you to explore various aspects of symphonic performance, which had a significant impact on the formation of qualitative characteristics of the musical life of the region. The scientific novelty and significance of the results of art history research lie in the fact that the communicative potential of the symphonic performance of the first professional symphony orchestra in the Chernihiv region, actively promoting various styles and genres of symphonic music, is analyzed; It represents the performing culture of Ukraine at the international level, has a significant impact on the communication processes of the cultural life of the region on the principles of a dialogue of cultures and gives rise to new spiritual identities, demonstrating their construction in the real conditions of modern society. Conclusions. For the first time, the symphonic performance of the Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra is seen as a communicative process of cultural interaction, which has a significant impact on the formation of a holistic picture of the musical culture of the region. The regional perspective of symphonic performance must allow us to explore both the national and international potential of musical art, which has developed on modern approaches to organizing tour and concert activities, based on the principles of cultural exchange in the framework of creative projects and has positive musical, professional, spiritual and aesthetic results, it becomes an influential factor in the cultural dynamics of the artistic development of Chernihiv region.


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Musical art