The genre-style and performance features of sketches for saxophone J.-M. Londaks


  • Iryna Paliichuk
  • Andrey Yaskov



genre, sketches, saxophone, the pedagogical repertoire for wind instruments, J.-M. Londaks, French music.


The purpose of the article is to determine the genre-style and performance features of the saxophone J.-M. Londaks and their importance in the educational process of young musicians. The methodology of the research is based on the use of methods: textual and source studies – when developing music sources on a selected topic;  style and intonation analysis – to determine the genre-style and performance features of the analyzed sketches. The scientific novelty of the work is the updating of the notographic material, analyzed for the first time, and outlining the expediency of its use in the educational establishments of the art profile of Ukraine. Conclusions.  Etudes for saxophone by J.-M. Londaks are aimed at mastering young musicians of all sorts of technical, articulatory techniques inherent in, in particular, violin music. The miniatures are diverse, featuring a rich dynamic palette, cover different registers of the saxophone, revealing its timbre potential, designed for students to master all the tonalities. The analyzed sketches enriched the instructive repertoire of saxophonists, started in my time by M. Mull, and used in the educational process of Ukrainian performers.


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Musical art