«I fear thy kisses» Percy Bysshe Shelley in the translation of Constantine Balmont in the vocal works of Anton Arensky and Boris Lyatoshynsky: A comparative analysis of the musical text


  • Iryna Hlovatska




“I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden”, musical interpretation, poetic text, chamber vocal work, original, translation, comparative approach.


The purpose of the article is to compare the peculiarities of the embodiment of poetry "I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden" by P. B. Shelley in the translation of K.Balmont in the vocal works of the same name by A. Arensky and B.Lyatoshynsky. The methodology of the research is to use the comparative method at the level of analysis of phonetic, lexical, syntactic, metrical, and rhythmic structural features of the poetic original and its translation, as well as ‒ melodic-harmonic, form-forming, intonational, genre-stylistic features of vocal works by A. Arensky and B. Lyatoshiski. The novelty of the work consists of the proposed aspect of the research, the determination of the rhythm structure of the original and translation, the musical and artistically ‒ expressive properties of the latter, the common and distinctive features of the chamber-vocal works of A.Arensky and B. Lyatoshynsky. Conclusions. Despite the presence of many common points in the approaches of A. Arensky and B. Lyatoshynsky to the implementation of the P.B. Shelley’s verse, but in general, their works differ substantially in intonation and genre-style, showing classical-romantic and modern-expressionistic variants of his interpretation. The aforesaid proves the broad artistic and expressive possibilities of the analyzed poetry by P. B. Shelley and her convincing artistic use in a variety of stylistic contexts.


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Musical art