Theoretical Fundamentals of Directing (on the example of L. Kurbas, Y. Illenko and V. Kisin)


  • Vasyl Vovkun



directing, theatre, freedom, creativity, sublimation, syntheticity.


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to analyse the theoretical principles of directing in the works of famous Ukrainian directors L. Kurbas, Y. Ilyenko and V. Kisin. The methodology of the research is based on interdisciplinary approaches, which allow to use the achievements of the history of culture, theory of cinema, theatrical, cultural studies, etc. The following methods are used: a comparative method allows  us to compare the principles of directing in the fundamental works of L. Kurbas, V. Kisin and Y. Ilyenko; a historian one helps to highlight the universality of the principles of the creative process; the method of analysis gives the opportunity to highlight the basic ethical and aesthetic ideas of directing, which are described in the works of L. Kurbas, V. Kisin and Y. Ilyenko. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the analysis of the theoretical principles of directing in the works of famous Ukrainian directors L. Kurbas, Y. Ilyenko and V. Kisin and their praxeological dimension. Conclusions: The nature of the mass spectacle includes three spaces: stage, audience and temporal. This triune space requires the synthesis of many, even at first glance, incompatible means of expression, which determines such a principle as syntheticity, embodied in a combination of styles, genres and forms. In addition, it requires from the director-myth-maker, to professional skills, erudition, awareness, competence, mastery of professional terminology. All these postulates are contained in the creativity and practical activities of prominent figures of Ukrainian culture L. Kurbas, S. Ilyenko, V. Kisin.


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Stage art