Modern actual drama on the stage of the Maria Zankovetska National Academical Ukrainian Dramatic Theater in 1990-2010


  • Tetiana Batytska



Maria Zankovetska Theater, modern actual drama, directing, repertoire.


The purpose of the article is to identify the essence and to analyze the artistic achievements of the Maria Zankovetska National Theater in the plan of work with modern actual drama from the End of the 1990s to 2010. Methodology. Application of methods of performance reconstruction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as the use of systematic and critical-assessment approaches. Scientific novelty. The subject of complex theatrical analysis used the "topical" direction of work of the Maria Zankovetska Theater, examined the performances "Se lya vi", "Triumphal Woman", "Naples - Cinderella City" by N. Kovalyk, “The Crisis”, “The Last Buckwheatseeder”, “The Clown Inadvertently”, “The Abyss”, “The Solo for Copper Pipes” by O.Ogorodnik for the first time. The attention is focused on the characteristic of the artistic direction, the distinguishing features inherent to it, the methodology of the director's work with the actual play, its significance in Lviv, and the Ukrainian context is traced. Conclusions. Maria Zankovetskaya Theater declares itself as a "nowadays theater", so its artists find all possible ways of "talking" with their audience. This dialogue is really happening mainly due to the modern actual drama, although in the aesthetic discourse the performances of such material have not become works of consummate, but socially important manifestos and public expression. From this point of view, a block of staged dramaturgy is both a property of the Theater and its problem.


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Stage art