Creative component as an integral part of the professional training of future stage directors


  • Andrii Kasianenko



creative component, bachelor, director, stage, creative thinking, self-actualization, spectacle action, event industry.


The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the main features and factors of the creative component as an integral part of the professional training of future stage directors. To highlight the role of professional creative education in the formation of a creative personality of the Film Director Bachelors as the future specialists of the contemporary Ukrainian event industry. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, art-study, comparative, and systematic methods of studying the main features and factors of the creative component in the training of future filmmakers. To achieve a certain goal and to solve the tasks, the analysis of scientific and methodological sources, the generalization of scientific and pedagogical experience on the issues of professional training of future stage directors is used. The scientific novelty of the study is that it is the first attempt of systematic analysis of the creative component as an integral part of the training of future stage directors based on the author's many years of creative experience as an artist and director. Conclusions. The main features and factors of the formation of the creative competence of students' professional training in the first (bachelor) level of higher education, specialization "The Director of the Stage and Mass Festivals" of the specialty 026 "Stage Art" are reviewed; the creative abilities for the students are important professional quality and an integral part of the professional competence. It has been established that the formation of creative thinking stimulates the motivational component, which develops search independence and the ability to overcome difficulties, promotes the pursuit of the final result. It is noted that the unification of students, effacement of creative personality peculiarities is unacceptable. It is substantiated that the dominant feature of the creative component in the preparation of the future stage director is the high level of creative self-development of the personality, which is an essential reserve of its self-actualization to professional activity.


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Stage art