Features of virtual and augmented reality technologies as a new tool in the popularization of Ukrainian superheroes


  • Oksana Gaiduk




AR-application, AR-book, augmented reality, information society, virtual and augmented reality technologies, superhero.


The purpose of the article is the analysis of virtual and augmented reality technologies as innovations and drawing attention to the phenomenon of popularization of Ukrainian superheroes. Methodology. The application of systematic and integrated approaches and research methods provided the disclosure of the designated topic. The methods of description, analysis, and theoretical generalization are used to study and comprehend the available material. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that virtual and augmented reality in the popularization of Ukrainian superheroes acts as a phenomenon that is considered not only as a result of interaction with people but also as an artifact of the new information era. Conclusions. Virtual and augmented reality technologies in Ukraine are at the initial stage of development. Consequently, the subject field of social, cultural and other studies of this problem is just beginning to form shape and requires further study and research.


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