The history of the development of professional selection in the system of choreographic education


  • Іryna Hertz



choreographic education, initial professional selection, medical-pedagogical and artistic examination of applicants.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the history of the development of professional selection in the system of domestic choreographic education. The methodology is based on the use of such methods as theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources. The scientific novelty consists of a comprehensive study of the history of the development of professional selection in the system of choreographic education, as well as a comparative analysis of relevant methodological developments. Conclusions. The history of the initial professional selection in the system of choreographic education can be divided into 2 stages: pre-scientific (until 1941) and scientific (after 1941). The current rules for entrance examinations in professional dance schools are based on an assessment of the model anthropometric indicators of applicants developed in 1941, and the structure and content of the selection have only partially changed since 1963. The criteria for assessing physical qualities are based on empirical experience accumulated in the system of choreographic education for almost 300 years. The selection criteria are: body type, elongated lines of the body, the absence of external body defects; functionality of the musculoskeletal system; speed-power abilities, primarily related to the implementation of the hopping technique; coordination abilities (rhythmic). The evaluation of data obtained in the course of testing of applicants is based on the personal experience of specialist teachers, that is, there are no evaluation-regulatory tables, which contradicts the general requirements for the selection system in such activities.


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