Implementation of the Concept of Infotainment into the Practice of the Event Industry: Definition of the Problem


  • Oksana Krupa



The purpose of the article is to consider the defining trends and aspects connected with the implementation of the conception of infotainment in the practice of the event industry. The research methodology predicts the usage of, firstly, the descriptive level combined with an analytical method to characterise the current stage of the event industry, its events category B2C and B2B, secondly, context-structural analysis of infotainment as a concept and model thanks to which the author has managed to identify the causal links between certain types of event activities and essential features of infotainment, which is the condition for the possibility of implementing the practice of the event industry. Scientific novelty is, first of all, that on the article level, the problem of implementation of the conception of infotainment in the practice of the event industry was actualised, which was mainly considered in the context of journalism and TV. Conclusions. It is affirmed that the concept of infotainment is one of the methodological platforms that can be used for reasoning and explanation of the logic of deployment and the content specifics of individual event activities, and also their place in modern (world and national) mass culture. The author suggests the statement according to which the given model of the media culture helps in registration content and information creates favourable conditions for the development of event management through synthesis educational-cognition and entertainment components in event activities, helps to decode and perceive complex meanings and images in their continuous flow and frantic information dynamics. It is underlined that initiating cultural-intellectual “game”, infotainment stimulates heuristic potential of thinking, especially in terms of perception and assimilation of cultural codes, and with the help of fragmenting the content, activates the initiative of event participants in terms of creatively completing the full picture of what is happening.

Keywords: infotainment, event industry, event activities, entertainment, game, mass culture, media culture.




