Ukrainian Military Themes in the Historical Battle Painting of Andrii Kholomeniuk


  • Viktor Karpov



The purpose of the work is to investigate the topic of Ukrainian military history in the historical-battle painting of A. Kholomeniuk; analyse the main cycles and their plot, imagery, author's interpretation. The research methodology consists in the application of the historical-chronological method, comparison and generalisation, art analysis, with the application of the principles of systematicity and historicism. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematic generalisation and analysis of the artistic works of the famous artist-battalist A. Kholomeniuk, which reproduce various historical periods of the military history of Ukraine, mainly the late Middle Ages and the Cossack region. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that in his work A. Kholomeniuk addresses various topics and plots of Ukrainian military history, among which the large cycle of works "The Khotyn War of 1621" (approx. 80 paintings) occupies a prominent place, which serves as a kind of pictorial encyclopaedia of Ukrainian Cossacks. A. Kholomenyuk's battle paintings have a distinct author's style of painting, with an expressive manner and play of colour, light and shadow, characterised by perfect composition and a deep study of historical details and context. The battle-historical works of A. Kholomeniuk belong to the important examples of modern Ukrainian historical-battle painting, which vividly reflects Ukrainian military themes.

Keywords: A. Kholomeniuk, battle-historical painting, battle studies, historical themes, military history of Ukraine, Cossack period.





Art, decorative art, restaurant