Artistic practices of Valery Hegamyan in the context of Ukrainian-Armenian intercultural ties


  • Oleksiy Zhadeyko



The purpose of the work is to investigate the artistic and stylistic practices of V. Hegemyan, which he applied in the process of creative activity in the context of the history of art of Armenia and Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on clarifying biographical facts about the artist and teacher. The research methodology consists in the application of general scientific and special research methods, in particular, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and abstraction, semitic, descriptive, which collectively allowed to consider artistic practices in the work of the artist V. Hegamyan. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the facts of the artist's creative biography were introduced into scientific circulation, which made it possible to reveal the intercultural influences of the environment of Ukrainian and Armenian cultures on the formation of V. Hegamyan's creative style. Conclusions. V. Hegamyan's creativity and teaching are frankly synthetic in nature. Both of his activities are based on classical traditions, but as a result are qualitatively new artistic phenomena. Hegamyan's artistic style is a kind of symbiosis of masterful realism and modernist principles of symbolism, expressionism, fauvism, and constructivism embodied in monumental techniques. V. Hegamyan's genre work is widely represented: from studies of classics, landscapes, still lifes, wonderful realistic and conventional portraits to huge genre paintings. There are strong ethnic motifs in the artist's work: both Armenian and Ukrainian, while the artist nevertheless operates with general aesthetic categories, finding his own symbolic and figurative meaning.

Keywords: artistic practices, work of Valery Hegamyan, Armenian artists, painting, graphics, intercultural relations, Ukrainian art, artist-pedagogue.





Art, decorative art, restaurant