Formation of Artistic and Aesthetic Competencies in Student Artists in the Process of Studying at University


  • Oleh Yasenev



The purpose of the article is to examine the development of characteristics, perspectives, and tools that contribute to the formation, in the process of teaching student artists, of self-organisation, self-development, awareness, responsibility during the performance of work (creating an artistic work) and the ability to think creatively, define a problem, set a goal and find a non-trivial way of solving it and learning about oneself and one's capabilities. Solving this problem contributes to increasing the efficiency of training a young, in-demand, competitive and adaptively mobile artist, in the person of whom society will receive a specialist to solve tasks in the field of fine arts, art and culture that are relevant today. The research methodology is based on systemic and value approaches, with the use of general scientific and special methods determined by the artistic and creative paradigm, which made it possible to comprehensively consider the specified problem and obtain appropriate research results. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the understanding of the peculiarities of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competences among student artists in the process of studying in higher education institutions of Ukraine. The acute problem of the lack of scientifically substantiated content bases, methods, principles of formation of artistic and aesthetic competences among students – future artists, related to modern changes in professional art education in connection with the introduction of distance learning into practice, which leads to the modernisation of the very process of studying an artist student. Conclusions. Undoubtedly, this study should take into account modern transformational processes in professional art education in general, and, including, those related to the introduction of distance learning into practice, which will allow to more deeply reveal the essence of the professional training of specialists in the artistic profile and ensure their personally oriented general development. In our opinion, the success and effectiveness of the formation of artistic and aesthetic competences among student artists in the process of studying in institutions of higher education depends on the set of educational conditions under which training will be organized in a separate institution of higher education. It was determined that the following conditions are necessary to increase efficiency in solving the above-mentioned issue: an art-critical approach to the formation of artistic-aesthetic competence; optimal combination of forms, methods and means of educational and artistic activity in a higher education institution; development of a system of practical tasks.

Keywords: competence, artistic competence, artistic and aesthetic competence, fine art, painting, student artist, art education, institution of higher education.





Art, decorative art, restaurant